Thursday, November 7, 2013

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

You hear and read this often, “Beauty is only skin deep, it's what kind of beauty you carry on the inside that truly counts!”

If that is true then why do we first have to get past the skin to find the beauty beneath it? We are attracted to what is presented to the eye, and without that attraction, which is only skin deep, we will never come to find if there is any beauty or not on their insides. We are all shallow in that we like what we like, some thin, some fat, some in between. If we are not attracted it matters not how beautiful the other may be on the inside for we will never accept an overturn if they do not meet our standards.

This is just another example of a platitude, sounds wise, insightful, and significant but is meaningless. For if it is the beauty inside that counts, to whom does it count when no one can see it?  And if we believe it then why do we spend so much time and money making our a
appearance, i.e., skin, face, body look good?  How much money and time we put into makeup, face lifts, and the clothes we wear as compared to the time we spend improving our mind, attitude, or soul if you will?  

So the next time you read or hear this and find yourself nodding in agreement, ask yourself why you agree with it.