Monday, April 22, 2013

A Lost Soul

Sadness is not a balance to happiness! Pain is not balanced by no-pain. We may have to endure both sadness and pain just as we have to endure the rain, but rain is not balanced by drought. That they are opposites in no way imply a balance. Consider hot and cold, they are opposites but there is nothing to balance. Hot is molecular motion, cold is the absence of that motion.

Sadness is a state of mind, as is happiness. Emotions are more to be liken to an ocean than to a scale. Attainment of the heart’s desire brings blue skies and calm waters, but then a storm of disappointment enrages the waters into crashing waves of discontent beating up on beaches of lost dreams.

The only balance in a weather system is in equilibrium, and this balance is only temporary lasting as long as no change in temperature occurs, no wind blows, and the sun doesn’t shine. In order to traverse the face of the deep one has to get a rudder, a keel, and a sail. The rudder is your worldview, the keel is your faith, and your sail is your desire.

Now about desire, as the Buddha pointed out, it is not only the source of temporal happiness, but the source of sadness as well. It is not the desire itself that causes the sadness, rather our attachment to what it is we desire, that causes us such distress when we lose, or are unable to obtain that which we desire.

Now the really sad thing in this is that so many of us get lost in our sadness, and even become attached to it to the point that if we cannot gain the object of our desires we would rather remain along with our sadness then seek to put it behind us. We become morbid in our sadness, warring it like a badge of honor. We write songs to it, paint it, sculpt it, make poetry about it, and otherwise extol it unto the heavens as a virtue.

The results may be great art and pleasure for us who cry to the song, weep at its rimes, marvel at the painting, but it comes to us at a great cost, the cost of a lost soul. I pray for them, and long for them to find their way home. But even more I pray for those who have no art other than the ability to wallow in self pity. Pray that they see the light.

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