Monday, April 22, 2013

Lost in TV Land

Sultry, sexy, and enticing she strutted into the room like God was her own personal escort. Upon to the stage, she glided more then walked, and stood real close to the microphone. Then in a voice that would melt any heart she crooned into the dimly lit room of revelers. The loud voices of conversation trying to be heard over all the other conversation going on started, one by one, to fall silent as the room slowly faded into complete darkness with just a red spotlight on the head of the voice that was making everyone forget anything but the sounds she was making.

The musician worked their magic as she blended in and around the sound of their instruments. The lead guitar whaling its high pitch, slow cry of the blues, as the rhythm strummed a three bar beat, and the base and drums holding the frameworks which held them all to the constrains of her voice that was sliding back from the raging torrent invoking the passion we all, so badly, want to feel, to the slow remorse of a lost love.

It was only a television program, and only a small seen at that, but the artistry of it moved me into its story as though I was a participant instead of just an observer. The artifice of the actors, director, cinematographers, stagehands, costume designers, boon operators, film editors, and the multitude of those of which I know nothing other then the names that scroll up the screen as I leave the theater, all disappeared as I dissolved into the story unfolding before me.

Then the dogs barked and I came back out of their world into my own.

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