Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I just sit here a wondering if anyone ever gets just what are they hanker after, or if a compromise is the only way you can get from here to there? I reckon two people can only travel down the same trail together as long as the trail is going in the direction that both of ‘em want to travel in. But then, by Ned, you come to a fork in the trail, ain’t no problem as long as you both want to take the left fork, or you both want to take the righ’un. But if’n one wants the right and the other wants the left, well then somebody has to surrender their druthers. If they both compromise then they have to set up camp and plant roots right where the trail forked. If one or the other gets to pick the fork is not because of compromise that they continue down the trail, but the surrender of one’s desire for the others.

I opine that it is important that sets the stage for surrender or compromise. If’n it is important enough for one to ride down one of them forks, then regardless of how important it is for the other to ride down the other fork a parting of the ways is in the cards. A partnership can only last as long as the partnership is more important than the trail for at least one of the partners. If this is not so then not only is a parting of the ways in the cards, and that hand will be dealt at one fork or another, sooner or later.

It the old westerns there was always a sidekick, the man who always lets his partner pick the way and the job.  He was always indispensable for things to work out right.  Don Quixote's Sancho had his Panza, Sherlock Holmes' Doctor Watson, The Lone Ranger's Tonto, and Batman's Robin.  Boyfriend girlfriends, husbands and wives are partners, and while either has to be subordinate to the other one has to be the head else the body will dissolve in the corrosion of conflict resolution.

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