Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cain Slew Able

Cain Slew Able
On down through the ages
We have came
From out of the darkness
And cold of old.
To the light and understanding
Of today, bit upon bit,
Just a little bit at a time
Fire, here, wheel there
Till upon the shoulder of giants
We stand looking afar
Way unto the stars,
And down into the atoms themselves.
But as far as we have come
We have carried our selves the same.
The same fears, dreads, and concerns.
The same ambitions drive us
Just as when we were ran from the garden
As when Cain slew Able,
As when we built the tower of Babel,
And when Lot’s wife looked back.
Now we can kill with hydrogen bombs,
Shoot our towers into space,
Look back to the beginning of time,
And peace among men is as far away as ever.
The answer is as elusive as ever
Be enslaved or fight
Be killed or kill
Resist or give up!
For those who would enslave you
Will not stop because you do.
Will you forsake your God
For the sake of peace?
Would you exchange freedom for peace?
Will you bow to another’s God for peace?
Will you sacrifice your liberties
For a promised security?
Just remember, what one man locks up,
Another man can unlock.
Any fort you make can be breached.
To win you must carry the fight.
If you hold up behind a wall,
If you are forced to go to the defense,
Then history tells you
That you will lose.
The tactic of Marten Luther King
And Mahatma Gandhi
Will work against powers
That sees themselves as human.
But had the Romans tried it against the Vandals,
Or the Greek against the Romans,
Or Egypt against the Greeks
It would have been to no avail.
And if we try it against the Islamic

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