Sunday, April 21, 2013

How Many Time

Lost in desire,
Swimming in hope.
I’d rather be there than here
But here I am stuck.
When again and again
You are lied to
And betrayed
When do you give up?
When you love a runner
How long do you wait?
How many times do you try?
How many fool’s errands do you run?
Hope springs eternal,
But the pain of disappointment
Belongs to you
For you know the history.
How many times
Are you going to repeat it?
Before you learn it by heart,
And will that help when you do?
As Bobby said,
“The answer my friend
Is blowing in the wind,
The answer is blowing in the wind”
How many times
Are you going to walk
Down this road
Before you take a different path?
Like Charley Brown
Letting Lucy set him up
He falls again and again
As she snatches the ball away.
If it is not this
It is that!
One reason after another
For why she ran.
Regardless of the reason
The results are the same,
She is gone
And you are alone.
Tears burn your eyes
As you realize
Once again
You were fooled.
Into believing that
This time it would be different,
This time it would work,
And still in your heart
You say, “If I had
Did this, or that
Things would have been different”
Oh you poor lost fool.
You are doomed,
There is no hope for you.
You cannot be happy without her,
And she cannot stay with you.
True, love can bring
Heaven on earth,
But just as true
Is the hell it can create.
You may as well
Just go cry in your beer
As you listen to an
Somebody did somebody wrong song.

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