Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Hermits life, why?

A Hermits life, why?
No entanglements that's why.
Hermits have to please no one
Other than themselves.

If they love, they love from afar.
Having absconded from the world
No one can disappoint them,
Nor can they disappoint anyone.
Foregoing all the pleasures of society

They no longer have to suffer
The slings and arrows hurled their way.
And temptation of the flesh
Has been delivered far away.

A hermit’s life has its appeal,
But comes with a large price to pay.
Balancing the pros and cons
Of living among them or withdrawing

Is a task we all take on and
We don’t have to go live in a cave
To be a hermit.

We can withdraw into our minds
To avoid any chance of disappointment.
Burnt once, twice shy can grow
Into a never again defense,

Betrayal by deceit, broken promises,
Being left for another, or
The death of one dear
That left way too soon.
Can make us retreat

Shutting out any new relation
That brings a risk of disappointment.
To love is to be vulnerable.

When you develop feelings,
Those feelings can be hurt.
But the price you pay by avoiding
Any chance of being hurt

Is all the pleasure of being close,
Of being loved, of being needed.
Whether the price is too great
Is settled in your mind.

Be careful of judging the new by the old
Do not make a new interest
Carry the sins of the old,
But judge wisely for as

Many a hermit has returned
To the world wishing
That they had never left.
But some have come back to only
To find more disappointment and pain.

As much as I may wish to,
I cannot tell you what to do,
I can only wish what I wish,

And even if you drop your shields
There is no guarantee
That I would be the one
Who’s arms you would come,

But still I would urge you to
Come back to a state of mind
Where you can risk getting close again.

I pray that might be me
That you would take you next
Chance with, a chance on happiness
With another man.

For my feeling grow stronger
With each passing day.


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