Tuesday, April 23, 2013

They have their explanation, we have ours.

Let me prefix this with the assertion that I wholeheartedly endorse the scientific method, it is the beliefs of scientists that they are the one and only true way to see reality that I reject.

The History Channel’s videos on the origination of the universe speaks of six billion years of time for the universe to reach its current condition, and of the trillion of years that it will extend into the futures under different conditions. It speaks so assertively and presents such wonderful graphical that it as thought that only the narrator has personally observed the events he describes, and that the process he describes is the only possible explanation for the mechanics of the universe, but that you too are observing the very events he and the computer generated graphics are presented to you as know the facts.

The truth is that the universe has only been observed since Galileo and Copernicus, just a few hundred years out of all theses six billion that it is asserted to have existed. What this is is only an explanation that ties known facts into a theory of how things work. For example no one has ever observed two galaxies collide, what is actually seen is a lot of different galaxies in different parts of the universe million and even billions of years ago (because no information can be transmitted faster than the speed of light). Looking at the images of these stars a story is created to explain how they got that way, and what the future holds for them. They cannot know this, it cannot even be known that the observable universe, except for our sun, as it only takes light 8 minutes to travel from it to earth, still exists. It is assumed to exist, or, if you will, taken on faith.

No one observed its creation, and for sure no one has observed its destruction. Those who claim so insistently that it all just began with a “Big Bang” spontaneously are still left with no explanation of how matter can spring forth from no matter. Their purely mechanical universe needs no God, it is its own creator and sustainer, and fully explainable by the human mind.

They believe in their explanation so strongly that they will banish you as a superstitious fool if you have the audacity to hold that there is a creator God who made the universe to His speciation. And if you actually believe that He did it in six days you are certifiably insane. After all they have the fossil records and their telescopes, no god could have created this all in such a short period of time because that just not fit into their explanation of how things came to be and what they will become. They conceive of a god of being limited in his power, their mind will just not hold the concept of an all powerful God who, with His spoken Word, could bring forth creation from the void.

Okay, this is an example:  “Astronomers using ESO's Very Large Telescope have obtained what is likely the first direct observation of a forming planet still embedded in a thick disc of gas and dust. If confirmed, this discovery will greatly improve our understanding of how planets form and allow astronomers to test the current theories against an observable target.”  Science Daily, Sun, 03 Mar 2013 12:57 CST.


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