Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lay At Night

Why, you ask, as you get on in years,
Does the days fly by so fast?
Why when I was a child
A day could last forever.
Well, yes it could,
Especially when you were but a day old!
A whole lifetime in a day,
But the next day it was only half a lifetime.
When you were a year old
A year become 1/365th
Of a lifetime,
At 10 1/3650th.
Look at how of your lifetime
A day is now.
Just a little fraction
Lost in all those other fractions.
But yet, a day is still a day
And a year is still a year
As you watch your children grow
Into the amazement you never dreamed.
A busy day seems to fly by
Until you look back upon it
From your rest at night
Then it seems an eternity since you arose.
A day with nothing to do,
All day long seems to drag and drag,
It just creeps along, until you look back at night
And wonder where it has gone.
It is events that build a day
Many events build a long day
One long event of hardly nothing
Builds a short day.
So fill your day with happy things
And you have a happy day.
Fill it with sad things
And you have a sad day.
It matters not, in the scheme of things.
Except to you
As you lay at night
And remember.

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