Monday, April 22, 2013

Nothing So Nice

Nothing is so nice as to be waiting for nothing, just doing. To be in the Zen of being, like the wind blowing, like the sun shining, like the rain falling. Just being, a state often contemplated, but a state seldom attained. Concerns and consideration always reappear, no matter how far away they may fly while you are in you Zen moment. Back to reality they call you. Must pay the bills, got to pick up the kids, have to do this, but first I have to do that, then may, just maybe, I can do something that will let me slide back into just being in the here and now, with no thoughts of yesterday, or of tomorrow. Just me and my horse working and playing together as we get our act together, for we putting on a show, a show to impress each other with our being. Her being a horse, and I being a man we bring something beyond either, a team, a partnership working for the pleasure of working together. In the mean while I will continue to look for happiness in all aspects of my life, and dream of someone, know not who.

Of course people can not love blindly as children, from then on all love is conditional! You put your conditions upon the bestowal of your love, why should it surprise you that other people do it also. Animals are not capable of love, as you know it. They, for sure, can be devoted, and loyal. But they have the herd, or pack instinct, which set them apart from what humans are capable of. (There I ended that sentence with a preposition!) We have a tendency to anthropomorphize the actions of animals and attribute human motives for their actions, but when we do this we fail to understand their nature.

I do not know how one could live a life outside the glass castle and not become a bit jaded. We sally forth with great expiations only to meet defeat time and time again. The victories that we do manage are dwarfed by the dauntless on the task yet to be realized, one day at a time, just one step at a time is the way of the trip, but we want the world, and we want it now. In is in the accumulation of small gains in which our progress is made. Got the kids through high school, paid the taxes, the rent is paid. Ah, life. Mundane and prosaic! It is in the details that we live, but in the dream that we score.

The dishes have to be washed, but to dance away the night, to watch the sun set over the Pacific from Hawaii. But tomorrow work, and another day spent just to get to the next day, into the boredom of existence because the joy to be found in the mundane is lost in the dream. The dishes are to be washed because a fine dinner was just eaten. You have to work to pay the rent on the house you wanted so badly. In your work is to found the joy of serving those who are willing to pay you to do what they cannot readily do for themselves. To live a joyful fulfilled live, you must rejoice in the details, dive into where the Devil lives, drive him out and make it your joy.

First let me say that Friendships are a wonderful thing, and it is a required foundation for any further relationship that may develop. I know that there are people who claim to love someone whom they do not like, but I contend that these people cannot discriminate between love and infatuation. Infatuation, while important in the development of love, has an addictive quality all of its own. Its true job is to give a couple enough time to get use to and accept the little quirks and faults that everyone has which can drive another person batty.

Infatuation is not sustainable! It will die, and with its passage, if it job has been done, love will remain. But not the love that leaves one with a fluttering heart and breathlessness, you will not have a love that you do not spend every waking minute thinking about. They are those, who believe that love can only exist with the present of infatuation, and when the infatuation dies, as it must, they think that they have felling out of love, and, in order to be happy, they must dump this poor hapless soul that they are stuck with, and continue looking for their soul mate. They are doomed to a wondering in the outer darkness until they receive enlightenment.

If love exists, it exists in a partnership, a sharing, in the caring, in the trusting, and in the forgiveness of the occasional broken trust. For we are all human, and thou we have ideals, we cannot always live up to those ideals. If the hurt is so grievous that you can no longer abide the one you thought you love you must consider your own projections upon this other person. You had expectations, and it was your expectation that brought you hurt, not the other’s action. You are always the author of your own pain and disappointment. That is why it is so important for you to forgive the one whom you blame for the pain, for in forgiving them; you are in truth forgiving yourself. When the abuse started you made a trade off, you accepted his behavior for something you were getting. If you only see them as being at fault you do not yet understand yourself, and risk having the same thing happing again. It is good that you have an abundance of caution, but to direct the concern outside of yourself is again to deny your complicities in staying in the situation you found yourself.

If you find yourself having to “try very hard” to stay on the right path then you have yet to come to an understanding of what the right path is. And the problem with “living God’s will to the best of your ability” is that God does not choose, you do. How are you to know what God’s will is. Does He tell you? How? Through the Bible? Through preachers? Through your parents? Do you truly understand scripture enough to take guidance from it? Does not the preacher’s have the same problem knowing God’s will as you? Are not your parents the children of their culture just as you are their child?

How many times have you heard a preacher praying for the forgiveness of sins? Is this not praying in vain? Does that question strike you as strange? Why? Why should you have to pray for something that has already been given? If Christ died so that your sins could be made as white as snow, what work do you have to do to receive this? Rather then asking God for something He has already granted, we should be thanking Him for so great a gift. What can you, a mere human, do to negate the Will of God? If He has willed that your sins be forgiven what can you do to put this asunder, by not accepting the forgiveness? But Christ, Paul, and John say in the New Testament, the believers are God's elect. They are called the elect because God chose them to be saved (Matt 22:14; John 6:37, 39; 15:16, 19; Acts 13:48; Rom 11:5; 1 Thess 1:4). If God has chosen those whom He will save, how can anything you may or may not do changes God’s will?

What did Christ call upon you to do? He said that you were to accept Him as the Way, profess His name before men, and to treat you neighbor as yourself. Does this sound like a hard path to follow? And remember, you cannot work your way to heaven! If it is your acts that earn your salvation, then why did Christ die? If you acts cannot save you can they damn you? When Christ forgave your sins by way of the cross did He only forgive the sins that you had committed up until you accepted Him? Or did He forgive all of your sins? If He forgave all of your sins how can you backslide? As Paul said in Romans 11; v6 Now if by grace, then it is not by works; otherwise grace ceases to be grace. And in v32 For God has imprisoned all in disobedience, so that He may have mercy on all. And in Romans 4; v5 But to the one who does not work, but believes on Him who declares righteous the ungodly, his faith is credited for righteousness. And lastly in Romans 5; v14 For sin will not rule over you, because you are not under law but under grace. v15 What then? Should we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Absolutely not! v16 Do you not know that if you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of that one you obey--either of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness?

What are you called to be obedience to? Christ right? And what does he require of you? To accept Him as the Way, profess His name before men, and to treat you neighbor as your self, right?

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