Tuesday, April 30, 2013

There Is Life and Then There is Life

A stone may move
But it has no motivation to move,
Its motion is predetermine
By preceding event.
It came to be when
Spewed from the volcano,
Then carried hence
By the great ice flow.
Animated once again
By a raging current
And left to lie
By cliff’s edge
To be pushed over the edge
In the storm’s wind.
There it lies until
It is moved once again
By a child’s hand.
So animation is not life,
The wind blows
The rain falls
The water flows
All of the laws of nature.
What then of plants?
They are alive,
Are they not?
But they do not decide.
They are but
A most marvelous
Mechanical system
Whose motions are dictated
By the same laws of nature
That control the
Motion of the stone.
By osmosis
Minerals and water
Seep into roots
Following the law of diffusion
And even distribution
It travels up the plant
Not by desire
But by law
The carbon is absorbed
By the leaves to
React with the water
To make carbohydrates
Then the law is transcended
The plant follows direction
And creates its reproduction.
Life, but no will
A plant does what a plant must do
It cannot rebel.
Then there are animals
From the lowly worm
To the mighty whale
Who gets to decide.
The worm in its wiggles under the soil
Must wiggle this way or that
And will go neither
Until it wills.
Each effort it makes
Is an act of will
But still,
It is bound to the earth
And cannot
Decide to fly
It can only spend its life
Eating, screwing, and crawling.
Now the mighty beasts
That roam the face of the earth,
Down to the tiniest of mice
After seeking and finding
Their substances
Find time to play
And enjoy
And look for someone to fuck.
And though they have will
They only live in the now
No concept of consequences
They follow their instincts
And walk into the road and die,
Fly into wind turbines, and die.
A snake cannot learn
That laying on the side of the road
Is dangerous
For it either crawl off
After a day of sunning
With no consequences,
Or it dies in its pleasure.
Then there is man

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