Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tell A Tale

Sometime I just have to tell a tale.
Sometimes I just have to sing a song.
It is nothing I did or didn’t do
It's just what is.
Memories come to mind
And paint their picture
Upon my demeanor
And direct my thoughts
Onto what should be left lie,
Like a sleeping dog
That may bite upon awaking,
Or maybe wag its tail.
Every tree has a tale
Every stone its say
The birds and the bees
And the ants in the ground
Well tonight I would like to tell
Of the gaining of wisdom,
Through many mistakes,
Hard earned.
What is it, you ask,
That I made me so wise?
Well, trial and error
Not much reason and logic.
And where, you might wonder,
Does my wisdom lie
Of what is it that I consider myself
So wise?
Only in one thing do lay this claim,
And that is my heart.
No, not the beating,
The pumping of life’s blood.
Rather the Love it holds
Is my area of expertise.
How it sends me out
Through my day.
How it guides my steps,
Sets my goals,
Puts me to sleep at night,
And wakes me in the morning.
Chooses the words of my prayers,
And deems what is important.
In my heart is the center
Of my world.
Patients is the wisdom
I have learned.
Love will come in its own time,
Or it will not come at all.
Like the story of two farmers
Who prayed for rain.
One went home and waited,
The other prepared his field, planted his crop.
Which one had faith?
I prepare my life to hold
My love in peace.
So when she may come
All will be ready for her.
Like the rain on the field
She will bring to fruition
My hopes and dreams.
My salvation is in Jesus
But my happiness is in her.
She is the other half
To which I cleave
Her face is hidden from me now,
I know not when she will come
So I continue getting ready
For the day she arrives.
For the day she can
Finish her own field
For the day she can
Complete her tasks.
And chose her path
That crosses my own
And we join in one way
On our way to join Jesus.

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